Council's 2018 Programme Kicks-Off ...
The 2018 programme for the Hurricanes Youth Rugby Council Inc. kicks-off this month, with four one-day programmes targeting Under 18 female players from across the region.

With the support of local Provincial Unions, New Zealand Rugby is providing an opportunity for senior secondary school students to up-skill and prepare for their upcoming rugby season.
The one-day progamme starts at 9.00am and finishes at 4.00pm on the dates and locations listed below. To enrol, register at the web-site noted above.
18 April - Napier
20 April - Levin
24 April - Wellington
26 April - Gisborne
(The final Development Day for this series will be held in Palmerston North on 16 July).
If you need further information, please contact
(Published : 08/04/18)