Executive Board Update On Council 2021 Programme
The Council's Operations Committee and Executive Board have met to review the overall 2021 programme, following the recent change in COVID-19 Alert Level status within the Hurricanes region.

Following is a brief update on the current status and timing of previously postponed events, fixtures and programmes. Please note that all fixtures arranged by or under the control to the Council at Alert Level 2 are strictly spectator-free, while residential programmes, denoted by (R) below, will only occur at Alert Level 1, (with the exception of the assembly of the Hurricanes Heartland Under 20 team prior to their Central Region Shield fixtures).
a. Central Region Shield
- Round 1 is now scheduled to kick-off on Saturday, 18 September.
- The original three-round draw will apply.
b. Under 18 Trustbank Central Secondary School Shield
- Round 1 is scheduled to kick-off on Saturday, 18 September.
- The competition has been reduced to three rounds.
c. Under 16 Tournament, (Don Broughton Shield, Saracens Cup) - Ruatoria (R)
- As scheduled. provided the Hurricanes Region is at AL1 no later than 24 September, 2021.
- Or if AL1 is confirmed to be no later than 1 October.
d. Under 18 Girls Development Camp (R)
- As scheduled, provided the Hurricanes Region is at AL1 no later than 24 September, 2021.
- Or if AL1 is confirmed to be no later than 1 October.
e. Regional Secondary School 1XV Finals
- The regional Semi-Final and Final draw is currently under consultation.
- An update is expected later this week.
f. Under 18 Boys Development Camp (R)
- As scheduled, provided the Hurricanes Region is at AL1, no later than Friday, 1 October.
g. Hurricanes Secondary Schools Sevens Tournament
- As scheduled, provided the Hurricanes Region is at AL1, no later than Friday, 22 October.
All events, fixtures and programmes will only occur in accordance with the Council's "COVID-19 Risk Management Policy", the requirements of the "COVID-19 Public Health Response Act 2020", and all relevant directives or guidelines issued by:
- Sport and Recreation New Zealand (Sport New Zealand);
- the New Zealand Secondary Schools Sports Council Incorporated (School Sport New Zealand);
- the New Zealand Rugby Union Incorporated (New Zealand Rugby); and
- the New Zealand Schools' Rugby Union Incorporated (Schools Rugby).
(Published : 08/09/21)