Hawkes Bay Rugby Union Readies For Return To Play
Hawkes Bay RFU’s Chief Executive, Jay Campbell is hopeful that the rugby community will be ready to resume play once the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted. Speaking to the “Footy Show” on Saturday, Campbell acknowledges that there will be many challenges to get teams back on-field in 2020, but he’s confident that the community is focused on doing so.
In new guidelines released last week, New Zealand Rugby advised that rugby training can recommence at "Alert Level 2", provided players can maintain a 1 metre personal bubble. At "Alert Level 1", all forms of rugby training and play can resume with no physical distancing required, however a minimum two-weeks pre-season is required, prior to any competition.
Campbell notes that that despite the challenges for clubs in resuming their normal functions, “rugby people are generally positive people” and “the rugby clubs in Hawkes Bay are working really hard”. He suggests that in 2020, there might be a requirement for clubs to go back to the past where “working-bees and chopping firewood” will be needed to help clubs survive financially. He also has some new ideas on how teenage players can be recognised on the national stage.
You can listen to Jay’s full interview, using the media player below.
(Published : 26/04/20)